Harnessing the Power of the Sun with our our newly installed Solar Panels

In an exciting leap towards sustainability, we are pleased to announce the latest addition to our offices, our recently installed solar panels. These panels mark a significant stride not only for our company but also for the environment, as we take further tangible steps to reduce our carbon footprint and transition towards cleaner, renewable energy sources.

Powering progress with Solar Innovation

The decision to integrate solar panels into our office infrastructure was born out of a commitment to both corporate responsibility and the global fight against climate change. By harnessing the power of the sun, we are tapping into an almost limitless resource that not only cuts our energy bills but also contributes to a greener planet.

Key advantages of our new Solar Panels

Clean Energy Production

Solar panels generate electricity without emitting harmful pollutants, making them a perfect fit for sustainable energy production. By adopting this clean energy source, we are contributing, albeit in a small way, to cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone.

Reduced Energy Costs and Energy Independence

One of the immediate benefits of the solar panels is a reduction in energy costs, which as we all know have increased dramatically in recent years. As we generate our own electricity, we can significantly cut sown on our reliance on traditional power grids, resulting in substantial savings over time. We will also be less susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices.

Low Maintenance Requirements

Solar panels are known for their durability and low maintenance needs. Once installed, they require minimal attention, with occasional cleaning to ensure optimal efficiency.

In the grand scheme of things, these solar panels might seem like a small addition, but their impact is anything but trivial.

We had enquired about having solar panels installed last year but the timing wasn't quite right. Earlier this year, our Director, Chris Taylor, was chatting to one of his clients who was in the middle of having solar panels installed at home. He recommended the company to us and a few months later we are up and running, generating our own energy.

Managing Director, Robin Hall said “Green Flare Ltd is the company that designed and installed the solar panels for us and came highly recommended from one of Kymin’s clients. From the first contact with Joe at the office, the whole process from initial design to installation has been a great experience and I would have no qualms in recommending Green Flare to anyone in the future. We look forward to sustainably generating our own electricity and watching it grow over the coming months.”  

To find out more speak to us on 01633 840000 or info@kymin.co.uk


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